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A practical procedure is proposed in this paper to predict ship manoeuvrability. A three degrees of freedom MMG (Japanese Manoeuvring Mathematical Modelling Group)-type model is established to simulate rudder manoeuver. Propeller thrust and rudder loads are calculated by empirical formulas, whereas the hull forces as well as moment are determined with hydrodynamic derivatives which are derived from CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) computations. An own developed RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Naiver-Stokes) solver on the base of OpenFOAM is applied to simulate a range of PMM (Planar Motion Mechanism) tests and Fourier analyses of the computed results are carried out to obtain the required derivatives. In order to demonstrate the effectivity of the whole procedure and the RANS computations, the US (United States) combatant DTMB 5415 is taken as a sample for an application. Forced motions of surge, sway, yaw and yaw with drift for the bare hull with bilge keels are simulated. Thereafter, simulations of standard rudder manoeuvers, i.e. turning and zigzag, are performed by applying the computed derivatives. The results are compared with available measured data. It has been shown that the present procedure together with the RANS method can be used to evaluate the manoeuvrability of a ship since general good agreements between the simulated results and measured data are achieved.